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Ouch! Yellow Jackets vs Vitamin C

Updated: Aug 21, 2021

All of her life, up until 2010 or so, if my wife Kira was stung by a vespid or bee, it meant an epinephrine shot and a trip to the ER to make sure she would keep breathing. She was anaphylactic-allergic to yellow jackets and those kinds of stings.

Enter high-dose vitamin C.

Robert Cathcart, M.D., in his pivotal clinical research on vitamin C, and other researchers and biochemists have shown us over and over that you can make these kinds of storms in the body stop by high dosing vitamin C. The first time we experienced this benefit was a time when we were having a dinner party at our previous home in Corvallis. Kira had stepped out to the garden to get some lettuce for a salad. Under the head of lettuce, a yellow-jacket was hiding. She was stung, and that was potentially the end of a nice evening we had planned.

But rather than panic, I suggested we do the experiment. We laid her epi pen out on the counter. She had taken 4 grams of vitamin C (ascorbic acid dissolved in water) before she went to the garden. She took another 10 grams. We watched her hand start to swell and she monitored her breathing. 15 minutes later, she took another 10 grams. The swelling began to visibly subside. Her breathing continued as normal. We were optimistic that no epi-pen shot, which is a horrific feeling, would be needed. She continued taking 5 grams every 30 minutes, then down to 2 grams at a time after a while. She had no reaction to the sting.

Since the day Kira used vitamin C to shut down her allergic reaction to Yellow Jacket stings, Kira has never purchased an epi-pen. She is stung on the farm once or twice a year, but always carries at least 60 grams of ascorbic acid or is near enough to the house to treat herself with high doses. Ascorbic acid rubbed into the wet skin, dissolved in, around the area of the sting will take away the pain and stop the local swelling and subsequent itching if applied frequently like twice or thrice a day.

Kira was recently bitten by a black widow spider, and she used the same technique to minimize the toxicity from the spider. Klenner used it IV with rattle snake bites. Extremely high doses of ascorbate taken orally can counter things like anaphylaxis, shock, cytokine storms, and even things like concussion and rapid and accelerating problems caused by trauma. I've seen it work over and over with humans and also with cows. Running the experiment can be risky if you're new to vitamin C therapy, so if you do run an experiment, have a backup until you're confident that you have it figured out.

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